10 Javascript tips to boost your productivity

Here are 10 Javascript tips to boost your productivity:

  1. Use arrow functions =>. They are more concise than the function keyword.

  2. Use const for variables that do not change. Only use let for variables that change.

  3. Use template strings `` instead of string concatenation +. They are easier to read.

  4. Use object destructuring to extract object properties.


const user = { name: 'John', age: 30 };

// Instead of 
const name = user.name;

// Use destructuring
const { name } = user;
  1. Use array destructuring to extract array elements.

  2. Use default function parameters to set default values.


function showMessage(message = 'Hello') {

showMessage(); // Hello
showMessage('Hi!'); // Hi!
  1. Use rest parameters (...) to handle variable number of arguments.

  2. Use the spread operator (...) to spread arrays and objects.

  3. Write DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code with functions.

  4. Write modular code with ES6 modules. Import and export functions.