Best Websites To Practice Code

• CodePen - This website is excellent for practicing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can create code snippets and see the output immediately in the browser.

• Codecademy - This website has tutorials and interactive coding exercises to learn popular languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more.

• FreeCodeCamp - This website provides challenging coding courses and projects to practice full-stack web development.

• HackerRank: This website hosts coding challenges in different programming languages. You can practice and improve your coding skills.

• LeetCode: - Similar to HackerRank but focused more on data structures and algorithms. Great for system design interview prep.

• CodeWars: Another site with coding challenges focused on algorithms and data structures. Difficulty levels group Katas.

• Exercise: This website is focused more on learning by practicing and improving with feedback. You can learn languages like JavaScript, Python, Go, and more.

• Edabit - This website provides bite-sized coding challenges to improve your JavaScript skills.

• Code Golf - Sites like Code Golf, CSS Golf, and JavaScript Golf challenge you to solve coding problems with the least amount of code.

Repl. It - This website allows you to create and run code directly in the browser. You can practice complete projects, not just code snippets.