How Do You Create a New Django Project?

How Do You Create a New Django Project?

To create a new Django project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Django: Before starting a new project, install Python on your system. Then, open your terminal or command prompt and install Django using pip like this:

     Copy codepip install django
  2. Create the Django project: Once Django is installed, navigate to the directory where you want to create your project and run the following command:

     Copy codedjango-admin startproject projectname

    Replace "projectname" with the desired name for your Django project. This command will create a new directory with the same name, containing the basic structure of your Django project.

  3. Project structure: After running the above command, you'll have a project directory named "projectname." Inside this directory, you will find the following files and folders:

     markdownCopy codeprojectname/
     └── projectname/

    Here's a brief overview of these files:

    • A command-line utility that lets you interact with your project. It runs development servers, executes management commands, and more.

    • projectname/: This is the main project package containing settings and configurations for your project.

    • An empty file that designates this directory as a Python package.

    • ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) configuration for running Django with asynchronous features.

    • Contains project settings, such as database configurations, installed apps, middleware, etc.

    • Defines the URL patterns for your project, mapping URLs to views.

    • WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) configuration for running Django on WSGI servers.

  4. Database setup (optional): Django uses an SQLite database by default. If you want to use a different database, modify the file to update the DATABASES setting with the required credentials.

  5. Run the development server: To test if your project was created successfully, run the following command:

     bashCopy codecd projectname
     python runserver

    This will start the development server on the default address You can access this address in your web browser to see the default Django welcome page.


Congratulations! You've created a new Django project and are ready to build your web application.