What are some common conventions for Python?
Here are some common conventions for writing readable Python code:
• Use 4 spaces for indentation, not tabs. This is the standard Python convention.
• Class names should use CapWords (CamelCase). Example: class Dog
• Variable names should use underscore_separated_names. Example: favorite_food
• Function names should also use underscore_separated_names. Example: def print_info()
• Use meaningful and descriptive variable names. Avoid short, generic names like x and y.
• Use upper case for constants. Example: MAX_ITERATIONS = 100
• Follow PEP8 style guidelines in general, including:
Maximum 79 characters per line
Surround top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines
Use 4 spaces for indentation, not tabs
Use single quotes around strings, not double quotes
• Use docstrings to document functions and classes. Follow the standard docstring format:
def function():
"""Function's description."""
• Avoid using from module import *. Only import specific functions.
• Import modules at the top of the file, after any documentation headers or comments.